Cambodia: EU provides funds to support reform of its fisheries sector

Cambodia: EU provides funds to support reform of its fisheries sector

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The European Union (EU) has pledged to provide EUR 6.375 million (around USD 7 million) grants to Cambodia to support reforms of its fisheries sector. The information was shared by EU Ambassador to Cambodia, Igor Driesmans, in a meeting here on December 4th with Dith Tina, Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries, during which they discussed a wide range of issues in a constructive manner including sustainable agriculture and fisheries.

The grants will be used to support key areas of the fisheries reform, such as monitoring, control and surveillance, flooded forest protection, conservation of marine fisheries, transfer of grants to community fisheries, research and food safety.

“Our partnership in the fisheries sector is large and strong, despite the immense challenges. We are keen and ready to support further the progress in the important field of agri-food safety in order to improve the quality of products produced by the private sector and consumed by Cambodians in the country, as well as support Cambodian processing establishments to meet regional and international markets’ demands. This could offer new market opportunities for Cambodia’s products and create jobs,” said Igor Driesmans.

Agriculture sector including fisheries and forestry are facing global challenges that continue to require strong partnership with all stakeholders – including the EU – to mitigate and adapt to its negative impacts and transform constraints into opportunities, said Tina.

As for fisheries sector, the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries is fully committed to supporting sustainable fisheries development in both inland and marine areas, through the whole value chain for the benefit of our fishermen, aquaculture farmers and entrepreneurs, as well as consumers, he underlined.

“We are committed to the protection and conservation of our aquatic habitats and resources,” said the MAFF minister.

Launched in 2019 as the most important programme ever for the EU to support the fisheries sector in a partner country and in Cambodia, CAPFISH Programme (EUR 112 million) is implemented by the Fisheries Administration attached to the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries, supporting all pillars of the current national strategy in fisheries until 2025.
